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Living her best cookie life, Marla truly loves her full-time cookie job. Marla's talent and passion shines through in her cohesive cookie set stories. Find out more about how this lady found the career of her dreams!


Living the Cookie Biz Dream

Once upon a time, Marla made a wedding cake AND desserts for a friend's wedding. With a tiny oven and zero sleep, Marla completed the challenge. It was that baking moment that Marla knew she could be a baker for the rest of her life!

A little baker was born the moment she stepped into her mother's kitchen. Following her mother, making little baking messes, and wearing her mother's aprons where the start of her baking career. As Marla got older, baking became a therapeutic hobby. Having a stress-relieving outlet was even more important when Marla was in college for business.

Eight year's ago, Marla picked up her first pipping bag and got to decorating cookies. In

2016, Marla's Cookie Co. was born after being inspired by her father's saying:

"Find what you love to do and you will never work a day in your life". 


Doing what you love as a career is truly a dream. This is one dream that Marla happens to be living! Her love for baking inspires her to continue to improve her skills and expand into new cookie biz avenues.


Offering custom custom sets for any occasion and seasonal gift sets, her sets are sure to delight. Events, cookie classes, and pop-up shops are more ways Marla has expanded her cookie biz. Recently investing in a in-home commercial kitchen, Marla's Cookie Co. is going to the next level!

One thing Marla loves more than baking? Being a mother! Three years ago, Marla was pregnant with her daughter, Raegan. Marla's baking journey now includes the journey of motherhood and running a full-time business!

The Interview

1. What do you love most about cookie creating? 


What I love most about cookie creating is how flour, butter and sugar can turn into the most beautiful works of art. It is amazing what one can do onto cookies with a few simple ingredients. 


2. Your cookie sets have such cute shapes that fit in a cohesive theme! How long do you spend planning out your cookie sets?


To be honest, I do not pre-plan my sets. I work best in the moment of creating. So when I start to roll out my sets, that’s when inspiration strikes and I roll with whatever I’m feeling then. But, if I don’t feel  that it's perfect, I will go back and create new cookies. 


3. Baking started way back when you when little with your mom! Being a mother now, does your little one help you in the baking process?


One thing I have dreamed of since having my daughter, is being able to bake with her. We have started a tradition where we bake together every Sunday. She is only two, but she calls it “mixing“. I think it is important to get children involved into the kitchen at a young age. While my daughter has yet to decorate a cookie, I long for the day when she will be able to do that. She’s also a good helper when it comes to sweeping my kitchen and being a cookie taster. ;) 


4. Congratulations on being in the cookie biz for 4 years! Was there anything that surprised you about having your own business?


I had never dreamed that I would own a cookie business. It started off as a hobby, and then quickly turned into a passion, which then turned into a business. To this day, I still love what I do and I would not change anything. The one thing that still surprises me to this day, is knowing my creations are contributing to someone’s special day; whether it’s a birthday, wedding, or holiday. It’s mind blowing.


5. Are there any cookie rules you swear by?


There are no rules in cookies. At least to some point. Sure, there are certain foundations of decorating or baking you should follow. But everyone has their own style, their own way of doing things. So I definitely don’t think there are rules. However, something I feel everyone should try to practice, is knowing that cookies take a lot of patience and a lot of practice. The old saying is, “Rome wasn’t built in a day“, your skill set for cookies shouldn’t either. 


6. Do you have any cookie goals or dreams?


I am living my cookie goals and dreams every single day. My parents told me at a young age, “find what you love to do and you’ll never work a day in your life.“ Being able to wake up each day and still enjoy what I love to do is the American dream. 

Pleasing Presentations

Presentation can be just as important as the taste + cuteness of the cookie!

Whether presenting for the 'gram or for her clients, Marla does not skimp out on details. Ordering cookies from Marla's Cookie. Co is a total experience. From receiving your cookie order to first bite, every step is a treat!

Marla also gets creative with cookie puzzles. Each cookie piece comes together to create a larger cookie. Her cookie puzzles are an out-of-the-box way to present cookies at events (and her Instagram!).

Cookie Skills

Marla is a true cookie nerd. Talking, eating, and breathing all things cookies is a never-ending thirst.

Over the years, Marla has refined a variety of cookie techniques. Hand-painting, intricate piping, and creating cohesive cookie themes are just some of the skills Marla excels at.

Below is a gallery of Marla's skill mastery.


Intricate Piping


Cohesive Sets


Water Color


Hand Painted





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