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A true gem in the Instagram baking community, Murrah bridges the gap between cake and cookie creators. Showcasing her talents, finding new ways to engage fellow creators, and creating fun content series makes Murrah a must-follow!


Community Gem

Murrah is a super talented cookier who has mastered both pipping and hand-painting cookies. Her Valentine's Day Embroidery cookies showcase her meticulous piping abilities. Created on Halloween, her hand-painted "Good Disney Princesses Gone Bad" cookie set lets everyone know her creative prowess is real!

Outside of showing her artistic talents, Murrah is also a major contributor to the Instagram community. Recently, she brought the cookie and cake decorators on Instagram together in the #CookieYourCakeCollab. Learn more in her interview below!

Another fun way Murrah has excited fellow bakers (and lovers of sweet treats) is through her #TravelingCookie series. She found ways to show off her adorable themed cookies against backdrops that match the cookie. Disney Land, concerts, and sport games are just some of the locations her cookies have traveled to.

No matter what Murrah posts, she knows how to inspire, engage, and captivate dessert makers and lovers alike. Finding new ways for creators to get involved on Instagram makes Murrah a valuable member in the community.

Outside of cookie creating? Murrah's dream is to become a principal- the next step up in her Elementary teacher career. Otherwise she might just be a crazy cookie lady!


Burning wood signs is another creative past time Murrah has. Her love of burning wooded signs is partly what inspired her Instagram handle. Burning cookies while also keeping an eye on her 3 year old is another inspiration behind her name!


The Interview

1. You recently started the collaboration, #CookieYourCake, where you
transform baker's cakes into cookies! What made you think of this
collaboration between the cookie and cake creators?

Since I have joined Instagram, I have met and formed friendships with
many amazing cake artists. They have been very kind and supportive to
me and my cookie journey. Last year, the amazing Sheri Wilson got her
account hacked and deleted. To show our support, we collaborated to
make cakes (or cookies in my case) that were inspired by her designs.
I felt the best way to pay tribute to her cakes were to make mini
cookie versions. These were the first 4 cake cookies I made and used
the hashtag #cookieyourcake. I had so much fun making them and they
were well received that I continued to make cookie versions of cakes I
loved and posting them under the hashtag. I also started to host
monthly collaborations because I think they encourage creativity and
community. I really wanted to do the #cookieyoucakecollab and was
waiting for a month that seemed more open for bakers, so I chose
January. I made the collab a month long and anyone can participate. I
am so pleased to see so many amazing posts already and can't wait for

2. I love all of the cakes you turned into cookies in this
collaboration! Would you ever dabble further down the cake decorating

I do decorate cakes now and then and really enjoy it. Only for
friends, family, and charities though as I definitely have a lot more
to learn. I enjoy the flavors, ease of frosting vs. icing, and the
larger canvases. I so admire cake artists and the pressure that
accompanies making one large dessert vs. multiple cookies. With
cookies I always have back ups, but with a cake you get one shot!

3. #TravelingCookie is another fun idea on your Instagram. I love
seeing all of your cookies shown in a unique location (like Disney
Land!). Where was your favorite place you took one of your cookies?

While it isn't always easy traveling with fragile cookies and I look
like a crazy tourist trying to get the perfect shot,  I just love
those traveling cookie photos! Of course Disneyland has to be my
favorite place for cookies because the cookie magic and perfect photo
opportunities are endless! I also have loved taking cookies to some
more local spots where I went as a kid like Oakland's Fairyland and
the Japanese Tea Gardens in San Francisco.

4. How in the world do you balance being a mom, having a 9-5
(elementary school teacher!) AND cookie creating?

I don't! I am a total mess when it comes to trying to do it all and
honestly, I have taken a step back from cookie decorating to make sure
my family stays my number one priority. Luckily, since I teach, I am
able to do cookies as more of a hobby. I take very few orders and have
the flexibility to make cookies when it works for my schedule. I
really admire those who are able to find that happy work life balance,
but for me it is always a work in progress!

5.  Your cookies feature a lot of unique shades of colors. How do you
get the right colored frosting for your cookie?

Coloring can be tricky! I use Chefmaster and Americolor gel food
coloring in my royal icing. Chefmaster has a great color wheel guide
for mixing to achieve less common colors and shades. It is rare that I
need an exact color match, so I often just play around and hope for
the best. My number one tip is to use as little coloring as possible
to start, because a little goes a long way. I also love to paint my
cookies. I will decorate with white icing and then paint with edible
art paint or gel colors.

6.  Finally, it's a new year! Do you have any baking resolutions or goals?

New Year! New Cookie goals!I do have some baking goals this year. One
is to host my first pop up shop! My second goal is to experiment more
with recipes an flavors. I would love to refine my recipes so I am
more confident in their flavor and texture.


#CookieYourCakeCollab is a month long collaboration between the cookie and cake creators of Instagram. Starting in January 2020, Murrah has turned some phenomenal cakes into mini versions. How Cute!

See some of her cookie cake creations below!

Highlighted underneath is the cake creator's Instagram, so you can check them out too!

Cookie Your Cake

Where in the world has Murrah's cookies all gone? Here is just a preview of her adorable cookies fitting into their background.

View more traveling cookies on the hashtag, #TravelingCookie

Traveling Cookie

Love her cookies? Found out something new about Murrah?

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